See How You Compare with These 10 Key Startup Statistics
At ProjectionHub we help entrepreneurs create financial projections and goals for business without using Excel. Over the last six months, we have had thousands of business owners use our tool to create their financial projections. Out of the thousands of users, we chose 800 accounts to generate real startup statistics. We took this aggregate data and found some interesting trends and numbers that we wanted to share. Approximately 80% of our users are startup companies, so here are 10 key startup numbers for you to compare to your startup as well as a business startup
timeline for them. Check out some of our first year business goals and see your business or startup stacks up!
Startup Capital
1. Average Investment – $448,000
2. Average Business Loan – $304,000
3. Average Loan Term – 50 months
4. Average Interest Rate – 8%
Days to Get Paid
5. Average Number of Days to Get Paid for Products – 16 days
6. Average Number of Days to Get Paid for Services – 22 days
Margins for Startups
7. Average Gross Margins for Products – 65%
8. Average Gross Margins for Services – 71%
Startup Sales Growth
Over 36 months of projections the average monthly growth rate for sales was as follows:
9. Average Monthly Sales Growth Rate Products – 17%
10. Average Monthly Sales Growth Rate Services – 5%